Sunday, January 20, 2013

Home Improvement is Not Nearly as Fun as They Make it Seem on Home Depot Commercials

The husband and I finished putting up our picket fence today. You would think that wouldn't be very tiring but you would be wrong. This must be why our professions involve us working indoors, away from heavy objects, dirt and power tools. We are just too delicate for hard labor. Both of us are suffering from backaches and walking around like 90 year olds.

That said, I didn't get much accomplished on my painting today other than attempting to transfer painter's tape that I meticulously laid out on vellum and cut out last night. It did not go well, the whole peeling off and transferring part. Usually I would cuss and throw a fit about it but I'm just too tired to do that  today. Yes, I am that tired! I will have more to say about taping tomorrow - stay tuned.

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