Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Spring Exhibition and Charity Box Show

You will be happy to know that I have been working diligently on my paintings these past few weeks. The stuff of life has thrown me off course here and there but I finished the painting to the right this past week. It is for the Winter Street Studios Big Spring Exhibition and Charity Box Show, April 12th from 6-10 p.m. More than 250 12"x12" works will be available for $100 each, with proceeds benefiting Freedom Place.

Come see me and my studio mate Marsha Glickman in studio #A8. We will have lots art for your viewing enjoyment!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Large and In Charge

While trying to come up with a title for this post, I realized how many sayings there are related to "bigness" including: go big or go home, Mr. Big Stuff, big man on campus, be the bigger person, and my favorite, "No man stands taller than when he reaches down to pet a cat," an awesome quote from my husband that nobody better steal!

I went from doing a very small painting last time to a much larger painting this time around. I had a flash of inspiration and a deadline to meet, which turned out to be the perfect combination. The painting is titled, Privacy Please, and is 48"H x 36"W. I liked working on something that is almost as tall as I am although I had to remember to mix three times as much paint as I thought I needed. Lots of area to cover on this one! I have entered it and two new paintings in the Visual Arts Alliance's Open Exhibition so keep your fingers crossed for me.